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I was part of a committee to bring a Christmas Art Walk to Wheaton, IL in December of 2016. We worked with the Jonahre foundation that had hosted the art walk previously in Barrington, IL. Local and international artists were commissioned to do one of 12 pieces of art portraying the Biblical story of Christmas. These fine are pieces were hosted in 12 downtown stores from the 12-24 of December. I was involved in getting the word out to local radio and media, maintaining the Christmas Art Walk Facebook page and for doing all the print advertising to be put in the local stores and given to local churches to advertise the walk. Members of the committee and others also marched in the Wheaton Christmas Parade and hosted a nativity play with live sheep and a camel. We hosted a make and take art workshop for children above Moore Toys & Gadgets store. It was a successful event with good attendance and the stores reported increased sales with the foot traffic brought by the art walk. To learn more visit the website at:

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